This dual health and economic crisis has disproportionately impacted our low-income communities of color. Long-standing injustices like low wages, exorbitant rent prices, crowded and unsafe living conditions, and lack of access to healthcare have worsened the impact of COVID-19 on our community. For many undocumented and mixed status families, there are no unemployment benefits or stimulus checks.
Our community has been left out of relief efforts.
While we organize to transform systems so that our community is never made vulnerable again, we are also working to meet the direct and immediate needs of our community. Through our COVID-19 Relief Fund, 100% of the proceeds are used to purchase grocery store gift cards for impacted community members and families. This allows people to purchase whatever it is they need most right now: food, personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies, etc.
Thank you for donating to support our families.
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